Are you in need of uplifting and positive words that begin with letter b to describe something?
Maybe you want to compliment your beaming and beefy boyfriend or your brainy and breathtaking babe? Anyways :)
Here comes the bold list of bodacious and positive adjectives to help you out.
Big-hearted List Of Positive Adjectives That Start With B
Positive adjectives starting with ba
Baby young; small.
Backup reserve; performing a supporting or secondary function.
Balanced being in a state of proper equilibrium or balance; harmonious.
Balmy fragrant; soothing; pleasant and mild; eccentric.
Ballsy bold and determined; spirited and courageous.
Balsamic curative; restorative; soothing; containing or having health-giving qualities of balsam; balmy; aromatic.
Banging great or surpassing in size; excellent; brilliant; exciting; highly attractive.
Baronial impressive in appearance; suited for or befitting a baron; stately and grand.
Positive adjectives starting with be
Beady shiny, round and small; characterized or covered with beads or jewels.
Beaming emitting, radiating or as if radiating light; cheerful; happy; bright.
Bearing withstanding a strain or weight (especially of a structural object).
Beatific completely happy and contented; blessed; blissful; heavenly; saintly.
Beauteous full of beauty; beautiful; good-looking.
Beautified having been made beautiful; made beautiful.
Beautiful having qualities that delight and pleases the senses; attractive; excellent; wonderful; very satisfying or pleasing.
Becoming appropriate, proper or suitable; pleasing to the eye.
Beefy muscular and heavily built; fleshy.
Beginning first; introductory; new.
Beguiling highly charming or attractive and able to arouse desire or hope.
Bejeweled covered or decorated with jewels.
Believable capable of being believed; credible.
Bell-like producing a clear musical sound that resembles the tone of a bell.
Beloved loved; greatly loved; dear to the heart.
Benedictory expressing wishes for good; giving thanks.
Benefic exerting a favorable or beneficent influence.
Beneficent doing or producing good; performing acts of kindness and charity.
Beneficial conferring benefits; useful; profitable; helpful; advantageous; serviceable.
Beneficiary arising from or having a benefice n. one who receives an advantage or anything as a gift.
Benevolent expressing or possessing sympathy; showing or intending kindness; doing or producing something good or pleasant; generous.
Benign beneficial and pleasant in nature or influence; gracious; generous; favorable.
Benignant kind; gracious; favorable; beneficial.
Bent determined or fixed to take a course of action.
Best surpassing all others in quality or excellence; greatest; most desirable.
Better superior or greater to another; more favorable or advantageous.
Bewitching having quality or power to fascinate, attract or bewitch; charming; enchanting.
My life motto is 'Do my best, so that I can't blame myself for anything.' Magdalena Neuner X THIS
Positive adjectives starting with bi
Big large in scope, amount, magnitude, extent or size; significant; very intense; firm and loud; generous; bountiful.
Big-hearted warmly generous towards others.
Big-time significant, important or major.
Biggest most big; largest.
Bijou elegant and small.
Positive adjectives starting with bl
Blameless free from blame; without fault; innocent; guiltless.
Blazing of tremendous fervor or intensity; white-hot; shining intensely; sexually attractive.
Blessed characterized by good fortune and happiness; holy; revered; heavenly; beatified.
Blest blessed; highly fortunate or favored.
Blissful full of or characterized by felicity and joy; completely happy; glorified; blessed.
Blistering very fast or rapid.
Blithe merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful.
Blooming blossoming; flowering; flourishing; thriving in vigor, health and beauty.
Blue-ribbon chosen or selected for special.
Blushing having a delicate and warm color like some flowers; roseate; blooming.
Positive adjectives starting with bo
Bodacious remarkable; audacious; outstanding; brazen and bold; attractive; voluptuous; sexy.
Boisterous full of energy; exuberant; excessive; wild.
Bold willing or forward to meet challenges or danger; venturesome; daring; bold; courageous
Bomb awesome; great.
Bombastic extravagant; high-sounding.
Bonny very pleasing and attractive to the eye; beautiful; pretty.
Bonzer remarkable or wonderful; excellent; very good.
Boon jolly; convivial; good; prosperous.
Bootylicious voluptuous; curvaceous; callipygous; sexually attractive.
Bosom intimate; trusted; beloved; cherished.
Boss exceptionally good; outstanding; first-rate; first-class.
Botanical of or pertaining to plants or plant life.
Bouncy energetic; lively; exuberant; springy; elastic; clean.
Bound secured with a binding or cover.
Boundless unlimited; immeasurable; infinite; vast.
Bounteous inclined to give or giving freely; generously liberal; abundant; munificent; beneficent.
Bountiful producing or giving in abundance; free in giving; abundant; plentiful.
Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self. - Queen Latifah X THIS
Positive adjectives starting with br
Brainy having or characterized by unusual and impressive intelligence; smart.
Brave displaying or possessing courage; daring; bold; valiant; excellent; great.
Brawny muscular; fleshy; strong; powerful.
Brazen bold.
Breathtaking exciting or inspiring; extremely beautiful; astonishing; amazing; astounding.
Breezy fresh; brisk; lively; full of life.
Brief concise; terse; succinct; quick.
Bright shedding, emitting, reflecting or having much light; shining; luminous; radiating; having a clear and quick intellect; intelligent; glorious; splendid; full of hope and promise; cheerful; happy.
Brill wonderful; clever; cool; amusing.
Brilliant remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree, magnitude, quality or effect; sparkling with luster; glittering; very bright; glorious; magnificent; wonderful; superb.
Brimming full to the brim; overflowing; filled to capacity.
Brisk full of spirit and vitality; very active; sharp or keen in manner or speech.
Broad open; full; spacious; clear and plain; obvious; liberal; tolerant.
Broadminded open-minded; willing to experience exotic and new things; liberal.
Brotherly characteristic or like of or befitting a brother; kind; affectionate.
Positive adjectives starting with bu
Bubbly showing or full of high spirits; cheerful; lively.
Budding beginning to develop or being in developmental stage.
Budget inexpensive; appropriate for a budget.
Buff physically fit; firm; attractive.
Built well-developed; attractive (especially body); formed; shaped.
Bulletproof impervious to damage or failure; unbreakable.
Bullish having a muscular physique; self-confident; optimistic.
Buoyant having life or vigor or spirit; light-hearted; vivacious; cheerful.
Burly strong; muscular; heavy; large; well-built.
Burnished having a shiny and glossy finish or surface.
Businesslike efficient; systematic; not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal.
Bustling full of energetic activity.
Busty having a pleasing curves and large bosom.
Busy engaged in some business; hard or constantly at work; diligent.
Buxom having a large bosom and pleasing curves; yielding; pliable or compliant; ready to obey; obedient; tractable.
Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig. Marcus Aurelius X THIS
Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ
What Are Some Nice Adjectives That Start With B?
- Bulletproof
- Breezy
- Bountiful
- Blissful
- Balanced
- Benevolent
- Blue (as in the color)
- Blooming
- Breathtaking
- Buoyant
What Are Some Adjectives That Start With B To Describe A Person Positively?
- Beautiful
- Brave
- Brilliant
- Bold
- Beloved
- Bubbly
- Bright
- Bonny
- Big-hearted
- Beefy
What Are Some Interesting Adjectives That Start With B?
- Bravissimo: very good, excellent, or praiseworthy.
- Blithe: cheerful, carefree, and untroubled.
- Buoyant: cheerful and hopeful; optimistic.
- Beguiling: charming or fascinating in a way that is difficult to resist.
- Basking: enjoying or benefiting from something pleasant or favorable.
- Blissful: characterized by perfect happiness; extremely happy.
- Breathtaking: so beautiful, impressive, or unexpected as to take one's breath away.
- Bewitching: charming or fascinating in a way that is difficult to resist.
- Brimming: full to overflowing; overflowing or almost overflowing.
- Boundless: limitless or unlimited.
What Does B Stand For?
- Alphabet and Language: In the context of language, "B" is the second letter in the English alphabet. It's a consonant, pronounced as "bee." In phonetics, it's classified as a voiced bilabial stop.
- Music: In musical notation, "B" represents a note on the musical scale. It can stand for a note, chord, or key in music theory.
- Science and Mathematics: In scientific and mathematical contexts, "B" symbolizes various things. For instance, in physics, it could denote magnetic field strength, while in mathematics, it might represent a variable, coefficient, or other mathematical concepts.
- Finance and Money: In financial markets, B can stand for bullish, indicating a trend or sentiment that is optimistic or favorable. This usage comes from the idea that a bull attacks by thrusting its horns upward, symbolizing an increase in prices or a strong market performance. B is also the symbol for Bitcoin, a decentralized digital crypto currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions.
There you go! Now you can take this list of positive adjectives beginning with letter b to the "bank" and implement it for example in your writings or art.
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