Abundant and artful list of positive adjectives starting with A is waiting your advanced and able mind to put them into a good use. First though, let's see...
What are positive adjectives that start with A?
Positive adjectives that begin with the letter "a" often convey a sense of admiration, accomplishment, and approachability. They can be used to describe people, objects, or events that are remarkable, outstanding, or endearing. Here are 10 of the most frequently used positive adjectives that start with A: Amazing, Awesome, Accomplished, Admirable, Affable, Auspicious, Amiable, Active, Approachable and Affectionate.
Adjectives are words that describe (show the quality, kind or condition) of the nouns, pronouns and other adjectives. In everyday speech adjectives are often called as a describing words, because that's what adjectives actually do.

Adamant List of Positive Adjectives That Start with A
List of positive A adjectives with definitions in alphabetical order. Activate and "adorn" your vocabulary with these attentive and awe-inspiring positive words.
À la mode fashionable or stylish; topped with ice-cream.
A-OK okay; definitely ok; in good condition or order.
A1 excellent; first-class; first-rate; highest possible quality.
Positive adjectives starting with ab
Abderian inclined to merriment or laughter.
Abiding continuing; permanent; steadfast.
Abjunctive exceptional.
Ablaze radiant with bright color and light; excited or fervent.
Able capable of performing; having sufficient power, skill or resources to accomplish a task, object or something.
Able-bodied having a physically strong and capable body.
Able-minded having much or great intellectual power.
Abloom flowering or being in bloom; blossoming; thriving in beauty, health and vigor.
Abounding plentiful; abundant; existing in abundance.
Aboveboard without concealment or deception; honest.
Absolute perfect, complete or pure; free from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional.
Absolved cleared or freed from any question of guilt; clear.
Abstract theoretical (existing as an idea or in thought); of or pertaining to abstract.
Abundant present in high quantity; more than adequate; fully sufficient; plentiful; rich.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu TWEET THIS
Positive adjectives starting with ac
Academic marked by a narrow display of or focus on learning; associated with an academy or academia; scholarly.
Accelerated speeded up or caused to move faster.
Acceptable worthy, capable or sure of being received or accepted with pleasure; welcome; gratifying; agreeable.
Accepted generally approved or compelling recognition; to receive or admit and agree to; to assent to.
Accepting tolerating without protest; open; willing; amenable.
Accessible capable of being reached, accessed or approached; easy to talk to or get along with; approachable; friendly.
Acclaimed publicly praised; celebrated.
Accommodating willing to help; kind; obliging; suitable; adapted.
Accomplished highly skilled; expert; established; successfully brought or completed to an end.
Accordant agreeing; harmonious; corresponding; conformable.
Accountable capable of being explained or accounted.
Accredited given official approval to act after meeting certain standards.
Accurate executed with great care; free from error; exact; precise; correct; careful.
Accustomed familiar through practice or use; usual; customary.
Acknowledged recognized, admitted or made known; generally accepted or recognized.
Acquainted having knowledge or understanding of; familiar.
Active engaging or ready to engage in physically or mentally energetic pursuits; producing profits; lively; brisk; busy.
Actual reflecting or being the essential or genuine character of something; existing in fact; real; current; active.
Acuminous characterized by acumen; sharp; keen.
Acute having or showing a perceptive understanding, insight or sensibility; crucial; shrewd; sharp.
Positive adjectives starting with ad
Adamant impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests or reason; unshakable in purpose, determination or opinion; unyielding; firm.
Adamantine having the luster or hardness of a diamond; unyielding; unbreakable; stout.
Adaptable capable of adapting to a particular use or situation.
Adept having or showing great knowledge, skill and aptitude; well skilled.
Adequate sufficient for the purpose or task; satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.
Adherent sticking; clinging; adhesive.
Adjusted altered, changed or arranged to accommodate to certain requirements; bring into a proper relation; having achieved a comfortable balance or relation with something.
Admirable wonderful; marvelous; inspiring or deserving of the highest admiration, esteem or approval.
Admired regarded with delight and wonder; astonishing; highly prized.
Admissible worthy of being admitted or entitled to be admitted; that may be allowed, accepted or conceded.
Adonic of or pertaining to Adonis; exceptionally handsome; having a rhythm consisting of a dactyl followed by a trochee or spondee.
Adorable worthy of or deserving to be adored; worthy of the utmost respect or love; lovable (especially in a childlike way), charming and delightful; cute.
Adored regarded with rapturous or deep and intense love.
Adroit quick, skillful or adept in thought or action; clever; dexterous; skillful.
Adulatory servively flattering or praising.
Advance being, made or given ahead of time or need; going forward, in front or before.
Advanced situated ahead or going before; progressive; highly developed or enhanced; being at higher level than others in knowledge, skill or training.
Advantaged having better or greater skills, knowledge, resources and the like; having abundant or sufficient income.
Advantageous involving, being or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness; beneficial; gainful; profitable; useful.
Adventuresome willing boldly to undertake or seeking out new and daring activities or enterprises; bold; daring; venturesome.
Adventurous same as ADVENTURESOME.
Advisable worthy or capable of being suggested or recommended; prudent; desirable: expedient.
Positive adjectives starting with ae
Aerial light as air; lofty; ethereal; imaginary.
Aesthetic of or pertaining the appreciation of beauty, appearance or good taste; artistic.
Aesthetical of or pertaining to beauty or aesthetics.
Positive adjectives starting with af
Affable having characteristics that attract love or affection; good-natured, easy and pleasant to talk to or friendly; gracious; benign; courteous.
Affecting arousing affect; capable of or inspiring strong emotion; moving; touching.
Affectionate feeling or showing love and affection; loving; fond; tender.
Affective pertaining to or exciting emotion or arousing feelings; affecting; emotional.
Affiliated being joined or united in close association.
Affined closely related or bound.
Affirmative giving approval or assent; confirming; optimistic; positive; asserting that something is correct or true.
Affluent having a great deal of money, property or resources; wealthy; plentiful; abundant; flowing freely.
Affluential socially influential and wealthy.
Positive adjectives starting with ag
Aged brought to desired maturity or ripeness.
Ageless existing forever; eternal; always appearing youthful; never seeming to age.
Agile characterized by quickness and lightness in movement; mentally quick; nimble; active.
Aglow glowing; radiant.
Agreeable pleasing to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful; prepared to agree; suitable; conformable.
Positive adjectives starting with ah
Aholic a person who likes something to excess or feels compulsively need to do something.
Positive adjectives starting with ai
Air aerial; unreal or imaginary; of or pertaining to the transmission or broadcast of television or radio signal.
Airy lofty; aerial; delicate or light; merry; light-hearted.
Positive adjectives starting with al
Alacritous brisk; lively; cheerful; eager and quick.
Alert vigilantly attentive or watchful; mentally perceptive, responsive and quick; awake; lively or brisk in action.
Alight illuminated; lighted; lit.
Alimental supplying or providing nourishing or food.
Alive having life, vigor or spirit; active; lively; brisk; sprightly; abounding.
All the whole quantity, amount, duration, extent, quality, number or degree of; beyond all doubt; more than one.
All-important of the greatest importance; vital; crucial.
All-knowing omniscient; knowing everything or infinitely wise.
Allegiant steadfast in devotion and loyalty; faithful.
Allied united or joined in a close relationship (especially beneficial one); related by similar nature, characteristics or common ancestry.
Alluring pleasing to the senses; highly charming or attractive and able to arouse desire or hope.
Alright acceptable; agreeable; correct; fairly healthy; well; unharmed; safe.
Alternate occurring, act or proceed by turns; used or serving in place of another.
Altruistic regardful to others well-being; beneficent; unselfish.
Positive adjectives starting with am
Amative pertaining to love; amorous; amatory; full of love.
Amatory of or pertaining to love, lovemaking or romance.
Amazing causing amazement and wonder; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities; inspiring awe or admiration.
Ambidextrous able to use both hands with equal skill and ability; very skillful; adroit.
Ambitious characterized by or motivated by strong desire for achievement or success; desirous; eager.
Ambrosial divine or worthy of the gods; extremely and succulently sweet, delicious or fragrant.
Ameliorative having tendency producing or produce amelioration, amendment or improvement.
Amenable responsive to advice, suggestion or authority; willing; agreeable; governable.
Amiable agreeable and friendly in disposition; likable and good-natured; cordial; sociable; congenial; lovable; lovely; pleasing; sweet; gracious.
Amicable characterized by friendliness and goodwill; friendly; peaceable.
Ample great or large in size, extent, scope, amount or capacity; more than or fully sufficient; spacious; roomy.
Amusing entertaining; pleasing; funny; hilarious; arousing laughter and enjoyment.
Positive adjectives starting with an
Anamnestic aiding the memory.
Angelic characterized by utter benignity; befitting or resembling an angel or saint; heavenly; pure; cute.
Annual occurring, performed or done every year; yearly.
To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. Alphonse de Lamartine TWEET THIS
Positive adjectives starting with ap
Aphrodisiac intensifying, exciting or arousing sexual desire n. a food, drug or something edible that stimulates sexual excitement.
Aplenty overlarge or in a generous quantity; abundant.
Apollonian harmonious, clear and restrained; serene; calm; well-balanced.
Appealing attractive; interesting; inviting; charming.
Appeasive capable of being appeased or tending to appease.
Appetent desiring; very desirous; eagerly longing.
Appetizing stimulating, exciting or appealing to the appetite (especially in aroma or appearance).
Applied having a practical use or purpose.
Apposite appropriate; relevant; well-suited; fit.
Appreciated fully grasped and understood; having risen in value or recognized as having value.
Appreciative feeling or showing gratitude or appreciation.
Apprehensible capable of being apprehended, conceived or understood.
Approachable easy to talk, approach or deal with; friendly; accessible.
Appropriate suitable for a particular person, use, condition, place or occasion; fitting.
Approving expressing or manifesting approbation, approval or praise; commending
Apropos of a pertinent nature or appropriate; opportune.
Apt quick to understand or learn; prepared; ready; willing; suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted.
Positive adjectives starting with aq
Aquatic relating to water; growing or living near, in or on water.
Aquiver trembling or shaking because of strong excitement.
Positive adjectives starting with ar
Arboreal of or pertaining to a trees or tree.
Ardent shining or glowing like fire; characterized by or displaying strong enthusiasm, passion or devotion.
Argent silvery or silvery white.
Ariose characterized by melody (especially as distinguished from recitative or harmony); song-like; melodic.
Aristocratic of or pertaining to an aristocracy; consisting in or favoring a government of principal men or nobles.
Aromatic sweet-smelling or fragrant; having an pleasant aroma or odor.
Arranged planned in advance or placed or disposed in a particular kind of order.
Arresting striking; attracting attention; impressive.
Artful exhibiting skill or art; dexterous; skillful.
Articulate expressing yourself readily, clearly and effectively v. express or state clearly; to give clarity to; to unite by joints.
Artistic aesthetically pleasing; of or pertaining to characteristic of art or artists; showing skill and imagination.
Positive adjectives starting with as
Ascendant most important, powerful or influential; superior; inclining or moving upward; ascending or rising.
Ascending moving, going or growing upward; progressing or moving toward a higher degree or level.
Aspirant striving or desiring for recognition, distinction or advancement.
Aspiring seeking or desiring advancement or recognition.
Assertive showing poise and confidence in your own worth; positive.
Assiduous performed with constant attention or diligence; unremitting; persistent; devoted.
Assistant helping; lending aid or support; auxiliary.
Assistive giving or providing assistance or help.
Associate accompanying or following; admitted to some privileges and rights; concomitant.
Associated joined in some kind of relationship; accompanying; combined.
Associative characterized by causing or resulting from association.
Assorted selected; arranged in varieties or sorts; mixed.
Assuasive soothing; tranquilizing; calming; mitigating.
Assured confident; characterized by security or certainty; guaranteed.
Assurgent tending to rise or rising; ascending; extending or growing upward.
Assuring giving confidence; that assures; tending to assure.
Astir being in motion (especially with much excitement or activity) or characterized by motion; active; stirring.
Astonishing surprisingly impressive as to overwhelm or stun; very wonderful.
Astounding capable of overwhelming with amazement or wonderment; astonishing; amazing.
Astronomical of enormous magnitude; immense; very large or vast.
Astute critically discerning; sagacious; shrewd; subtle; crafty.
Positive adjectives starting with at
Athletic well proportioned and developed body; strong; muscular; robust; vigorous.
Attainable capable of being attained, achieved or accomplished.
Attendant following or accompanying as a consequence; associated.
Attention-getting eye-catching; likely drawing attention to someone or something.
Attentive taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention; observant.
Attractive pleasing to the eye or mind; having quality or power to attract interest; enticing.
Atypical not conforming to type; unusual or irregular.
Positive adjectives starting with au
Audacious very bold, daring and confident.
August inspiring admiration or awe; majestic or profoundly honored; characterized by an impressive quality, grandeur or majestic dignity.
Aureate golden in shine or color; gilded; excessively and/or elaborately ornamented; characterized by grandiloquent and pompous language.
Auroral of or pertaining to auroras (northern lights or dawn); rosy.
Auspicious tending to favor or bring good luck; prosperous; fortunate; favorable.
Authentic having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious or counterfeit.
Authoritative of recognized authority, accuracy or excellence; official; highly reliable.
Authorized given official approval to act.
Autonomous free from external control and constraint; not controlled by outside forces.
Fortune favors the audacious. - Desiderius Erasmus TWEET THIS
Positive adjectives starting with av
Available accessible, obtainable or suitable and ready for service or use; valid; advantageous.
Avant-garde radically original or new; daring; modern.
Avid characterized by enthusiasm and active interest; eager.
Positive adjectives starting with aw
Awaited expected hopefully.
Awake mentally responsive and perceptive; carefully observant or attentive.
Aware apprised; informed; cognizant; conscious.
Awash abounding; filled; covered; covered with water.
Awe-inspiring inspiring or arousing admiration, wonder or awe (especially through being magnificent, impressive or formidable); awesome.
Awesome inspiring wonder, awe or admiration; very good or impressive.
Awestruck overcome or filled with awe or wonder.
Positive adjectives starting with ax
Axiological of or pertaining to value theory (philosophical field of axiology).
Positive adjectives starting with az
Azure having a light purplish-blue color that resembles clear or unclouded.
Good Personality Adjectives with A
There are many wonderful adjectives starting with the letter A that can be used to describe someone in a positive light. From words like active, adaptable, and avid, to amicable, articulate, and accomplished, these descriptives highlight admirable qualities in a person. Here is some nice words to describe someone that start with A with definitions and example sentences.
Able: Having the skill or ability to do something. "He was able to fix the engine using his mechanical skills."
Abundant: Having a plentiful supply of something. "Her abundant generosity was demonstrated in her volunteer work."
Accomplished: Having achieved a high level of success. "She is an accomplished pianist who has won many competitions."
Active: Energetic, always busy doing things. "He leads an active lifestyle with various hobbies and interests."
Adaptable: Able to adjust to new conditions. "Her adaptable nature allows her to thrive in any environment."
Adept: Very skilled or proficient at something. "He is adept at solving problems in innovative ways."
Admirable: Deserving of respect and praise. "She is an admirable person who always tries to do the right thing."
Adventurous: Enjoying new experiences and challenges. "She has an adventurous spirit, always seeking new experiences."
Affectionate: Showing love and care for others. "His affectionate nature makes his friends and family feel loved."
Agile: Quick and nimble. "He moved with agile grace on the dance floor."
Agreeable: "She is an agreeable person who avoids unnecessary conflicts."
Amazing: Extraordinary or impressive. "The way she overcame adversity was simply amazing."
Ambitious: Having a strong desire to achieve success. "Driven by ambition, he continues striving to improve himself."
Amicable: Friendly, peaceful, and agreeable. "They were able to come to an amicable agreement through respectful discussion."
Amusing: Entertaining, funny, causing laughter. "With an amusing wit, she often has people laughing out loud."
Animated: Lively, enthusiastic, full of excitement "He has an animated personality that is filled with enthusiasm."
Appreciative: Thankful and grateful. "She is appreciative of the kindness and support of others."
Approachable: Easy to talk to and get to know. "His approachable demeanor makes students comfortable asking him questions."
Articulate: Able to speak clearly and express ideas well. "She is an articulate speaker who can explain complex topics clearly."
Artistic: Having or showing creative talent. "His artistic talents were evident in the beautiful paintings he created."
Attentive: Giving careful thought or consideration to something. "He is an attentive listener who makes people feel truly heard."
Audacious: Daring and bold. "She had the audacious courage to speak out against injustice."
Authentic: Genuine and sincere. "Her writing has an authentic voice that connects with readers."
Avid: Having a strong interest or enthusiasm for something. "As an avid reader, he always has a book in hand."
Learn more about the positive personality adjectives with A.
What Are Some Positive Adjectives That Start with A?
Here are some most commonly used positive adjectives in literature that start with the letter A.
1. Ambitious
2. Amiable
3. Admirable
4. Amazing
5. Affectionate
6. Accessible
7. Advanced
8. Appetizing
9. Authoritative
10. Auspicious
11. Awesome
12. Affable
13. Adept
14. Artistic
15. Astute
16. Adventurous
17. Affluent
18. Alluring
19. Authentic
20. Active
10 Awe-inspiring Examples of A Adjectives That Motivate Success
1. Amazing Opportunity - This amazing opportunity could be your big break in life. Approach it with an open mind.
2. Admirable Perseverance - Even through adversity, you showed admirable perseverance by never giving up. Stay strong.
3. Awesome Accomplishment - Celebrate each awesome accomplishment, no matter how small. They add up to achieve greatness.
4. Astute Observation - Your astute observation led to a major breakthrough. Stay alert and keep your skills sharp.
5. Articulate Expression - Your articulate expression shows intelligence and eloquence. Use your words thoughtfully and discerningly.
6. Authentic Self - Be your authentic self always. There is no one more qualified to be you than you.
7. Agile Adaptability - In these changing times, agile adaptability will serve you well. Adjust smoothly to new conditions.
8. Abundant Generosity - Share your abundant generosity through kindness, compassion and giving. It multiplies when spread.
9. Ambitious Goal-Setting - Dream big through ambitious goal-setting. Hard work and belief in yourself make them achievable.
10. Affable Nature - Let your affable nature build rapport and create positivity. A friendly demeanor eases life's journey.
10 Interesting Facts About Letter A
1. Binary Code: In binary code, "A" is represented as "01000001."
2. Greek Letter: In the Greek alphabet, "A" is called "Alpha" and is the first letter.
3. Linguistic Importance: The sound of "A" is considered fundamental to the development of human language and speech.
4. Words Beginning with A: It is estimated that around 8 % of English words start with the letter "A".
5. Musical Note: In music notation, "A" is a note on the scale and serves as a tuning reference.
6. ASCII Code: In ASCII code, "A" is represented as 65 in decimal, and 41 in hexadecimal.
7. Roman Numerals: In Roman numerals, "A" represents the number 5000.
8. Astronomy: In astronomy, "A" is used to represent the spectral classification of stars, where "A-type stars" are typically white or bluish-white in color.
9. Alphabet Song: "A" is the first letter mentioned in the classic children's alphabet song, commonly known as the "ABC Song."
10. High Scrabble Value: In the game of Scrabble, "A" is worth one point, and it is one of the most frequently used letters.
Brief History of the Letter A | 10 Insightful Facts
1. Ancient origin: The letter "A" has its roots in the Phoenician alphabet, which dates back to around 1200 BCE. The Phoenician alphabet evolved from the earlier Proto-Sinaitic script, which was used in the Sinai Peninsula.
2. Ox head symbol: The original Phoenician letter for "A" resembled the head of an ox, which was called "aleph."
3. First letter of the alphabet: "A" is the first letter in many alphabets, including the Greek and Latin alphabets.
4. Semitic alphabets: "A" became the first letter of the Semitic alphabets, including Hebrew and Arabic.
5. Greek "Alpha": The Greek alphabet adopted "A" and called it "Alpha," which is derived from the Phoenician letter "aleph."
6. Numerical value: In ancient Greek, "Alpha" had a numerical value of 1.
7. Latin alphabet: The Romans adopted the letter "A" from the Greek alphabet, and it became the first letter in the Latin alphabet.
8. Roman Capital Letter: The Roman capital letter "A" resembled the modern uppercase "A" and was written with straight lines. In ancient Roman scripts, the letter "A" was also written in a rounded form known as uncial script.
9. Middle ages scripts and calligraphy: During the Middle Ages, various scripts evolved, leading to different styles of writing the letter "A.". Skilled calligraphers developed elaborate and decorative versions of the letter "A" in medieval manuscripts.
10. Printing press era: The advent of the printing press in the 15th century standardized the shape and form of the letter "A."
Conclusion of Positive A Adjectives
The English language is rich with an abundance of positive adjectives that can be used to describe people, objects, places, and experiences. Out of all the letters of the alphabet, the letter A offers a particularly diverse range of adjectives to choose from.
Whether you're looking for adjectives to use in your writing or simply want to expand your vocabulary, incorporating these positive adjectives starting with A can be a game-changer in the way you communicate and express yourself.
From "amazing" to "adventurous," "astonishing" to "authentic," the A adjectives on this list can help inspire and uplift you and those around you. Start incorporating positive adjectives into your language and projects today and experience the benefits of thinking and speaking positively and power of positive words in general.
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- Positive adjectives starting with b
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ps.If you had to choose 5 positive adjectives that start with a to describe yourself, which ones would you pick? :)