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Spring words vocabulary from A to Z

From April showers to buzzing bees, the season of spring brings a plethora of words to mind. From A to Z, there are countless vocabulary words to describe the beauty and renewal of this time of year like blooming flowers, chirping birds, fresh grass, gentle rain, and warm sunshine.


Words to describe spring and springtime from A to Z

Blossoming list of positive words to describe spring and springtime with definitions. 


Spring words that start with A

Adolescence: the period of time between childhood and adulthood.

April: the fourth month of the year.

April Showers: a phrase used to describe the rainy weather that occurs in the month of April.

Arrival: the act or process of arriving or coming.

Awakening: the act of becoming aware or coming to a realization about something; the act of waking up from hibernation, sleep or a state of unconsciousness; a process of enlightenment or personal growth; a starting point of development or growth.


Spring words that start with B

Baseball: a sport played on a field with a bat and ball, involving two teams of nine players each.

Bear cub: a young bear.

Bees: flying insects that are known for their role in pollination and honey production.

Beginning: the start or initial stage of something.

Bike: a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by pedals.

Bird: a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate with wings, feathers, and a beak.

Birth: the act or process of giving birth to a child; a beginning or commencement.

Blooming: the process of flowering or producing blossoms.

Blossom: the flower of a plant, especially of one producing an edible fruit.

Blue sky: the sky on a clear day, typically colored blue.

Boots: a type of footwear that covers the foot and ankle and sometimes extends up the leg.

Born: brought into existence through birth or by being created.

Bouquet: a bunch of flowers or stems that are arranged in an attractive way.

Breeze: a gentle wind or current of air.

Brisk: sharp and stimulating; lively.

Bud: a small swelling on a plant, containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.

Budding: the process of producing or developing buds.

Bumblebee: a large, hairy bee with a loud buzz that is known for its role in pollination.

Bunny: a young rabbit or a rabbit as a pet or character in a story.

Butterfly: a flying insect with two pairs of wings that are covered in colorful scales.

Buzz: a low, continuous humming sound.


Spring words that start with C

Calf: a young cow or bull.

Camping: an outdoor recreational activity involving spending time in a tent, caravan or motorhome.

Cap: a form of headwear, often with a brim and sometimes with a visor, worn for warmth or protection from the sun.

Cardigan: a knitted sweater or jacket that opens down the front.

Cheerful: noticeably happy and optimistic.

Cherry blossoms: the flowers of the cherry blossom tree, often used to symbolize the arrival of spring.

Chipmunk: a small, striped rodent with cheek pouches for carrying food.

Clouds: visible masses of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere.

Clover: a herbaceous plant of the pea family, often grown as a forage crop for livestock.

Colorful: full of bright colors, or rich in variety or interest.

Crocuses: plants of the iris family, producing brightly colored flowers in early spring.

Crops: plants grown for food, often in agricultural fields or gardens.



Spring words that start with D

Daffodils: a type of flowering plant, typically with yellow flowers and a trumpet-shaped center.

Daisies: a group of plants in the aster family, typically with white or yellow flowers and a yellow center.

Dandlions: a weed with yellow flowers and deeply lobed leaves.

Daybreak: the time of day at which the sky begins to lighten and the sun begins to rise.

Daylight saving: the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during the summer months to extend daylight hours.

Dew: tiny drops of water that condense on surfaces when the temperature falls and humidity is high.

Drizzle: light rain falling in very fine drops.

Ducklings: young ducks.


Spring words that start with E

Earth Day: an annual event celebrated on April 22nd to promote environmental protection and raise awareness of environmental issues.

Easter: a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Eastertide: the season in the Christian year, beginning on Easter Sunday and lasting for seven weeks until the festival of Pentecost.

Eggs: a reproductive cell produced by female animals, typically containing nutrients and enclosed in a shell.

Emerge: to come out or appear from a concealed or hidden place or state.

Equinox: a point at which the plane of the Earth's equator intersects the center of the sun, occurring around March 20th and September 22nd, when day and night are nearly equal in length.


Spring words that start with F

Fawn: a young deer, typically in its first year.

First day of spring: the day of the year, typically around March 20th, on which the vernal equinox occurs and spring officially begins.

Floral: relating to flowers or the arrangement of flowers.

Flowers: the reproductive part of a plant, typically brightly colored and fragrant, and often used for decoration or given as a gift.

Foal: a young horse or related animal, especially one that is less than a year old.

Foxglove: a tall plant with bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink or purple.

Fresh: newly made or obtained; not stale or deteriorated.


Spring words that start with G

Garden: a piece of ground or space used for growing flowers, vegetables, or other plants.

Garden party: an outdoor social gathering held in a garden or other outdoor space.

Germinate: to begin to grow and develop into a plant from a seed or spore.

Golf: a sport in which players use clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes on a course, using as few strokes as possible.

Goose: a large waterbird, typically with a long neck and short legs.

Gosling: a young goose.

Grass: a plant with narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pastures.

Green: of, relating to, or denoting a plant, tree, vegetable, fruit or something that is green.

Greening: the process of becoming or making something green, or a new growth or layer of green foliage on a plant.

Grow: to undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically over time, or to cause a plant to develop in this way.



printable spring definition



Spring words that start with H

Hatching: the process of something breaking out of its shell (especially an egg or young bird.

Hay: dry grass; a country dance with interweaving steps similar.

Hellebore: a beautiful but poisonous plant with showy flowers, native to Europe and Asia.

Hoe: a gardening tool with a long handle and a flat, narrow blade used for cultivating soil, removing weeds, and shaping beds.

Hyacinth: a bulbous plant with fragrant, bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, white, and purple.


Spring words that start with I

Iris: a plant with showy flowers, typically in shades of purple, blue, and yellow.

Irrigation: the application of water to land or crops to assist in their growth.

Ivy: a climbing or trailing plant with glossy, evergreen leaves and typically black berries.


Spring words that start with J

Jacket: an outer garment worn over other clothing, typically having sleeves and a fastening down the front.

June: the sixth month of the year.

Juvenility: the state or period of being young; youthfulness.


Spring words that start with K

Kid: a child or young person.

Kite: a bird of prey with long, pointed wings and a forked tail, or a toy consisting of a light frame covered with paper or cloth and flown in the wind at the end of a string.

Kitten: a young cat.


Spring words that start with L

Lamb: a young sheep or meal made of young sheep.

Lawn: a stretch of grass-covered land, especially one closely mowed and typically adjacent to a building or recreational area.

Lawn mowing: the act of cutting the grass on a lawn to keep it neat and tidy.

Lawnmower: a machine used for cutting the grass on a lawn.

Leaf: the flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk.

Lengthening days: the process of daylight hours getting longer as the Earth progresses through its annual orbital cycle.

Life: the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change.

Lifecycle: the series of changes in the life of an organism from the time it is born or hatched until it dies.

Lilies of the valley: a delicate, fragrant plant with bell-shaped white flowers and small red berries, typically blooming in May.

Longer days: the period when daylight hours increase as the Earth progresses through its annual cycle.

Lungwort: a plant used in herbal remedies.



Spring words that start with M

March: the third month of the year.

Mardi Gras: a festive occasion celebrated in many countries, typically occurring on the Tuesday immediately before Ash Wednesday and featuring parades, costumes, and the consumption of rich foods.

Marigolds: a plant with yellow, orange, or red flowers.

May Day: a holiday celebrated on May 1st, typically as an international labor movement commemoration or as a spring festival.

Maypole: a tall pole decorated with ribbon, flowers, and other colorful items, often used as a centerpiece for traditional May Day celebrations.

Maytime: a poetic term for the month of May, or a time of youthful love and happiness.

Memorial Day: a holiday observed in the United States on the last Monday in May, honoring the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military.

Metamorphosis: a process of transformation or change in form, structure, or substance, often used to refer to caterpillars turning into butterflies.

Migrate: to move from one region or habitat to another, often occurring as part of seasonal patterns or in response to environmental changes.

Migration: the act or process of moving from one place to another, often referring to the movement of animals or humans from one region or country to another.

Morn: a poetic reference to the morning, or the beginning of a new day.

Mulch: a layer of organic material, such as straw or leaves, spread over the soil to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil quality.


Spring words that start with N

Nature: the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the Earth.

Nest: a structure built by birds or other animals for holding eggs and young.

Nesting: the process of building or occupying a nest.

New: recently occurring, made, produced or acquired.


Spring words that start with O

Opening: the beginning of something new.

Orchid: a plant with large, showy flowers, typically characterized by a complex reproductive structure.

Outside: the external side or surface of something, or the open air beyond an enclosed space.

Owl: a nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes and a distinctive vocal call.


Spring words that start with P

Pasque: French word for Easter.

Peony: a large, showy flower with rich colors and a sweet fragrance.

Picnic: an occasion for an outdoor meal, typically enjoyed in a scenic location.

Piglets: young pigs.

Plant: a living organism typically lacking the ability to move, that synthesizes its food from inorganic substances using light, and that possesses the potential for growth and reproduction.

Plants: the kingdom of living organisms that includes a wide variety of plant life, ranging from small mosses and algae to towering trees.

Pollen: the fine powdery substance that is typically yellow in color and contains male gametes and is produced by various plants, especially flowers.

Primavera: a poetic reference to the season of spring, or to a pasta dish typically featuring fresh vegetables and cream.

Prime: being at the best or highest stage of development, or being of the highest quality or value; the beginning of something.

Primrose: a flowering plant with pale yellow or pinkish flowers that typically bloom in early spring.

Pruning: the process of cutting back or removing excess growth or branches from a plant.

Puppies: Young dogs.

Purple: a color intermediate between red and blue, or a shade of this color.


Spring words that start with Q

Quack: sound of a duck or similar sound.


Spring words that start with R

Rain: precipitation in the form of liquid water, falling from the atmosphere to the earth's surface.

Rainbow: a colorful circular arc in the sky, caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets.

Rebirth: the process of being born again, or of being renewed or revived after a period of decline or stagnation.

Renewal: the act of making something new again, or the process of being restored to a better condition or state.

Roses: a flowering shrub or vine with fragrant flowers, typically with prickly stems.


Spring words that start with S

Sapling: a young tree, typically with a slender trunk and small branches.

Season: one of the four periods in a year, characterized by particular weather conditions or recurring events.

Seeds: the reproductive structure of a plant that contains genetic material and is capable of germinating to produce a new plant.

Seedtime: the time of year when seeds are planted, especially in agricultural contexts.

Shovel: a tool with a broad scoop or blade, used for digging or moving material from one place to another.

Showers: a brief period of rain which is less intense than a storm.

Sowing: the process of planting seeds in the ground.

Spring: the season between winter and summer, typically characterized by warmer weather, the growth of new plants, and the blossoming of flowers.

Spring Break: a vacation period during the spring semester of school or college, typically occurring in March or April.

Spring cleaning: a thorough cleaning of a home or other space, typically done in the spring.

Spring equinox: one of two times of the year (in March or September) when day and night are of equal length, marking the beginning of spring or fall.

Springtide: a poetic term for the season of spring, or for a particularly active or lively time period.

Springtime: a time period characterized by the season of spring, or the beginning of something new.

Sprinkle: to scatter small drops or particles of a substance over a surface.

Sprout: a new, young growth from a plant's seed or root.

Saint Patrick’s Day: a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17th, honoring the patron saint of Ireland and Irish culture.

Start: the beginning of something, or the point in time at which something begins.

Sun: the star at the center of the solar system, providing light and heat.

Sundress: a light and informal dress, typically worn in warm weather.

Sunup: the time of day when the sun first appears above the horizon, also known as sunrise.


Spring words that start with T

Tulips: a type of flowering plant with brightly colored, cup-shaped blooms.


Spring words that start with U

Umbrella: a device used for protection from the rain or sun, consisting of a collapsible canopy supported by a central rod.


Spring words that start with V

Vacation: a period of time devoted to rest, recreation, or travel, typically taken by an individual or family.

Vegetation: plants or plant life in general, especially the luxuriant growth of a particular area.

Vernal: relating to or occurring in the spring.

Vernal equinox: one of two times of the year (in March or September) when day and night are of equal length, marking the beginning of spring or fall.

Vitality: the state of being strong, active, and full of energy.


Spring words that start with W

Warming: the process of becoming or making something warmer.

Warmth: the quality or state of being warm, or a degree of heat.

Wedding: a formal ceremony in which two people are joined in marriage.

Wheelbarrow: a small hand-propelled vehicle with a single wheel and two handles, used for transporting materials or goods.

Wind: the perceptible natural movement of air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.


Spring words that start with X

Xanthopetal: flower with yellow petals.


Spring words that start with Y

Yard: an area of land next to a building that is used for a special purpose.

Young: having lived or existed for only a short time, or relating to early stages of development.

Youth: the period of life when a person is young, or the quality or state of being young.


Spring words that start with Z

Zinnias: a type of flowering plant with bright, showy blooms that often grow in clusters.




What is spring season

Spring is the season after winter and before summer, when vegetation begins to appear.

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, symbolized by the blooming flowers, green trees and vegetation. The longer daylight hours and warmer weather bring a sense of positivity and energy, inspiring people to get outside and enjoy outdoor activities. Gardening is a popular springtime activity, allowing people to plant new life and watch it grow.

Overall, spring is a season of promise and possibility, bringing a sense of joy and fresh starts to all who experience it.


When is spring

In the northern hemisphere spring is from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November. The spring season is associated with hope and new beginnings, as the winter cold melts away and the world seems to awaken from hibernation.


List of popular spring activities

  1. Planting a garden or flowers.
  2. Going for a walk or hike in nature.
  3. Exploring and playing outdoor sports, such as basketball or soccer.
  4. Participating in outdoor festivals or events.
  5. Attending a farmers' market or food festival.
  6. Doing some spring cleaning or decluttering at home.
  7. Going on a picnic, barbecue or outdoor meal.
  8. Flying a kite.
  9. Taking a bike ride.
  10. Bird watching.
  11. Blowing soap bubbles.
  12. Going on a road trip or camping trip.
  13. Try golfing.
  14. Going to park.
  15. Taking a photography or art class.
  16. Trying a new outdoor adventure activity, such as kayaking or rock climbing.
  17. Going on a scenic drive or taking a train ride.
  18. Volunteering for a local environmental cleanup or charity event.
  19. Visiting a zoo or animal sanctuary.
  20. Starting a new fitness routine outdoors, such as running or yoga.


ps. See also the list of positive words to describe summer.


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