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Positive adjectives that start with N "Descriptive Words"

"Nice, nifty, and noble - these are just a few of the positive adjectives that start with the letter N. And there of course are many more! In this article, we'll explore some of the most nicest words that begin with N, which you can use them to brighten up your vocabulary, communication and projects.


Nove List of Positive Adjectives That Start with N

Whether you're looking to impress your friends, enhance your writing, or simply spread some positivity, this list of nice positive words is sure to help. So, let's dive in and discover the niceness that starts with N!"


Positive adjectives starting with na

National related or belonging to a nation; attached to one’s own nation or country; common to whole nation.
Nationwide extending or occurring throughout a country or nation.
Native original; natural; occurring naturally in its pure form; growing, originating or produced in a certain region or place; arising by birth.
Natty neat, smart and fashionable; dapper; tidy.
Natural relating to nature; characterized by freedom of artificiality; expected to happen without intervening; produced by or present in nature; being in pristine and pure state; being skillful or talented through inherited qualities.
Navigable seaworthy; steerable; easy to navigate; sufficiently wide or deep enough to provide passage to vessels.



Words may be nice and full of art; Sighs are the natural language of the heart. TWEET THIS



Positive adjectives starting with ne

Nearby very close; adjacent; close at hand.
Neat clean and orderly; terrific; marked by skill and ingenuity; very good.
Necessary absolutely essential or required; needed.
Needed necessary.
Negotiable possible or easy to be negotiated or negotiate; open to change, modification or discussion; transferable from one to another; passable.
Neighborly exhibiting or having the qualities of a friendly neighbor.
Neoteric modern; new; recent.
Nervy strong or vigorous; requiring or showing fortitude and courage; bold.
Nestling newly hatched.
Never-failing unfailing; that does not fail ever or performs the way it should.
New just or recently created, found, discovered or learned; additional; further; currently fresh or fashionable.
Newborn just or recently born or come into existence.
Newfangle desirous of changing or eager for novelties.
New-fashionednewly made; up-to-date; current.



There is always an easy solution to every problem - neat, plausible, and wrong. H. L. Mencken. Lao Tzu TWEET THIS



Positive adjectives starting with ni

Nice agreeable and pleasing; pleasant; of good reputation and character; good.
Nifty very good; great; first-rate; stylish; attractive.
Nimble quick, light, clever and acute in action or movement.
Nimble-witted showing or having an ability to respond or think quickly and effectively.
Niminy-piminy affectedly delicate, refined or prim.
Nippy pleasantly invigorating and cold; sharp.
Nitid shining; bright; lustrous; fine; spruce.


Positive adjectives starting with no

Nobby elegant; fashionable; stylish; chic; smart; aristocratic.
Noble showing or having qualities of high moral, rank or dignity; stately; grand; splendid; great or impressive in appearance.
Noetic of or relating to the intellect or mind.
Non-belligerent not aggressive or hostile.
Nonchalant seeming to be calm and relaxed; cool; unconcerned.
Nonpareil above comparison or eminent beyond
Normal sane; typical.
Notable worthy of notice or note; remarkable; characterized by distinction or excellence; memorable; evident.
Noted marked; observed; worthy of attention or notice; famous; prominent.
Noteworthy worthy of being observed or noted; notable; remarkable.
Noticeable worthy or capable of being perceived or notice.
Nourished being provided with nourishment; fed.
Nourishing of or providing nourishment or growth; nutritious.
Novel strikingly new, fresh or different.
Now current; present.



Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Aesop TWEET THIS

Positive adjectives starting with nu

Nubile of an age ready for marriage.
Numinous spiritually elevated or awe-inspiring; sublime; suggesting or indicating the presence of divinity or deity; supernatural.
Nutrimental nutritious and nourishing; alimental.

Have a nifty and novel day!


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